Feb 26, 2018
The best rainbow crafting supplies on the internet!
Because we all know the best things in life come in rainbow form! 1) Glitter fabric - I can't get enough of this stuff just think of...
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Feb 23, 2018
How to make a craft kit?
Hello! A question that I get asked quite regularly is: 'How do you make your kits?' And my answer is always pretty simple - 'I just...
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Feb 19, 2018
5 Things to do instead of scrolling social media
We are all guilty of it! Myself included. You have a spare half an hour in the evening and instead of doing anything productive or...
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Feb 16, 2018
The tiny creative business lifestyle
When you work for yourself your days are different to the 9-5 more than likely your hours more look like 9-10pm (2am if you get excited...
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Feb 14, 2018
Reasons to love yourself!
So it's valentines day - that lovely soppy time of year when you get to tell that special someone in your life how much they mean to you. ...
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Feb 13, 2018
Free craft kit!
Hey guys, I've been working hard the past few days to make you all a little something! Seeing as it's february at the moment - quite...
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